Yesterday’s Senate vote on Sandy aid posed an interesting dilemma: provide much-needed support for Hurricane Sandy victims or withhold aid and so avoid worsening our nation’s debt? Meanwhile, our society is burning through both money and natural resources that our generation is going to have to somehow find a way to pay for. So, what do we do?
Whatever your views on immigration, all parties agree—it’s complicated. And now, with Congress in talks about an immigration policy overhaul, opinions are heating up. Here’s a few things to consider when it comes to observing the law and loving the stranger and sojourner.
Both sides in American politics are currently trying hard to convince their base that this…
In this column, Ben Lowe remembers the little known but very steadfast Larry Gibson, a resident of the Appalachian Mountains who devoted his life to protecting the mountains he loved, and who motivated churches to join him.
With just over two months to go before the election, most sane people are thoroughly…
In my last column, “Three Numbers that Predict the Future of the Planet”, I wrote…
The science on climate change is turning in real numbers on where we, as a planet, are at, as well as where we are going. In his first of two columns on the subject, Ben Lowe talks about the math of Global Warming, and proposes some real methods of fixing it.
Ever wondered what it’d actually be like to throw your hat into the political ring? Fed up with the current system, our columnist, Ben Lowe, decided to run for Congress and take to task all the broken and partisan politics that had been infuriating him (and us) for so long. What he learned in his run surprised and sobered him, and was a good reminder of exactly what it means to be salt in light in divided country.