Dear Revolutionaries,
I started working for as the website’s Revolution Editor in the spring of 2005, a few months after the Tsunami of Christmas ‘05 and before Hurricane Katrina struck, two events that largely altered the landscape of American philanthropy as we knew it. Indeed, 2005 and 2006 were two important years to be involved in the fight for worldwide social justice, philanthropy and aide, and through my experiences as the Revolution section editor for and as editor of the books The Revolution and The Relevant Nation I’ve learned a great deal about how social justice works and about just how much young people—especially RELEVANT’s readers—care about serving the poor and oppressed around the globe.
It’s been a fascinating and educational journey, but I’m afraid that the time has come for me to move on to other things, which is why I’m announcing my departure from RELEVANT. With the pending release of my first novel and extensive work on other novels I have planned, and with my three kids needing me now more than ever, the time has come for me to step down from my position as Revolution editor. editor Jesse Carey will fill in for a little while, until frequent RELEVANT/Radiant contributor Micha Boyett Hohorst and her husband Chris Hohorst will become the new Revolution editors. Micha and Chris are eminently qualified to fill this position—their deep concern for social justice, combined with their talents as writers will, I believe, make them a great fit for the Revolution site, which will continue to inform you of relevant social justice issues today as well as offer ideas for positive action steps. I encourage you to check back here often and get involved in whatever ways you can—we are always looking for new writers to contribute to the site and are always eager to hear about the ways that you and your friends are serving the “least of these.”
I thank you for this great experience; I’ve learned and grown so much as a result of working with RELEVANT its awesome readers and staff. God Bless, and keep in touch!
In XC,
Heather Zydek