As we all know, everyone loves 3D movies. No matter where you go, all anyone can talk about is how much they love paying unimaginable prices to wear a pair of clunky glasses that occasionally might make one or two frames of a movie look slightly dimensional and distract you from the story. It’s so great. “If only,” everyone is saying, “there was another dimension we could add to these movies, since the third one worked so well.” Well, here’s some great news. Cinema chains in South Korea have begun to experiment with movie theaters that emit smells during key movie scenes, like ocean spray or flowers. And even better, they’re bringing this technology to the rest of us. Unfortunately, these theaters won’t be here in time for us to figure out what Bruce Wayne smells like after spending all day fighting crime in 90 lb. Kevlar (or whatever), but let’s all be sure to smell Iron Man 3 next year …