Twitter is a great way to connect with others online, hear from different perspectives and keep track of what’s going on in the world.
But, how do you know if the people that you’re “following” are at the same spiritual level you are? Are the people you’re retweeting really #blessed? Sometimes it’s hard to know in only 140 characters.
Thankfully, we’ve put together this handy guide to determining someone’s spiritual status by only reading their Twitter bio.
A Reference to Their Own Sinful Nature
Sinner, saved by grace
Not perfect, just tryin’ to make the world a better place
Just a sinner … like everyone else
Before you go assuming this verse-tweeting, social justice hashtag-using, sermon quoting Twitter user is perfect, their bio reminds everyone who reads it that they are just as totally depraved as everyone else. But, it’s all good, because they also have something called #grace.
Something About Their Love of Coffee (or, If They Are Especially Edgy, Whiskey/Bourbon/Craft Beer)
Coffee. Family. Jesus. (Not in that order though!)
Coffee-lover. Jesus Follower.
I love: Good coffee. Good conversations. And (the) Good Book.
C.S. Lewis, Irish Whiskey and Looking Out for Heresy
If someone chooses to dedicate part of the extremely limited space of their Twitter bio to proclaiming their love of exotic coffee, they are likely one of two things: 1) A barista 2) An evangelical Christian (in most cases, both).
Simply, “Opinions My Own”
Opinions My Own
All Views Are Own
Thankfully, they included this little qualifier in their bio. Otherwise, we would have assumed every tweet they posted was the official position of whatever church/ministry/Christian college/business they work for. Now, continue with the controversial opinions on Donald Trump supporters #hottake.
A Reference to Their Smokin’ Hot Spouse
Father. Jesus Follower. Husband to the smokin’ hot @whateverthisdudeswifesnameis
My three great loves: Jesus, the Church and my smokin’ hot husband
My name is John Doe. I’m a youth pastor, husband to smokin’ hot Jane and a drummer.
We get it. You find your spouse attractive. You find them so attractive that the best way to summarize their existence and meaning to you is the phrase, “smokin’ hot.”
A Quote from One of the Following People: C.S. Lewis, Mother Teresa, St. Francis or Some Other Smart Theologian
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – CS Lewis.
“It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” – Spurgeon
“I wrote Lord of the Rings” – Tolkien
Does anyone else see the irony of using “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words” on a medium that solely uses text to communicate?
One of the Following: A Bible Verse Reference, a Link to a Personal Blog, a Link to a Church Website
Jeremiah 29:11
There’s nothing wrong with having any of these things in a Twitter bio. But, seriously, it’s like they are now a required field when filling out a Twitter profile.
Something About Doin’ a Life Journey #Adventure #Story #TheBlessedLife
Just doin’ life with my community.
On a journey. Will you join me?
Loving people on this journey.
The next adventure starts today #blessed #Goddream
Because your Twitter feed tells the story of the greatest adventure ever told that happens to exclusively star you.