It’s been fascinating to watch the Internet go through so many wild stages of emotion regarding Ben Affleck’s casting as the new Batman. What started as shock and outrage quickly turned to cynical disgust and then, eventually, cautious optimism. Now, Ben Affleck is weighing in on the move himself, saying the studio warned him that nobody would like him as Batman. As he related on Fallon last night, “We want to show you some of the reactions that past cast members received on the internet,” studio brass told him. “So they send me info, and people [on the internet] were like ‘Kill him.’ And he was amazing!” Affleck’s probably referring to the Internet’s cry of despair over Heath Ledger’s Joker casting, which was universally hated until it was universally loved. So, basically, relax Internet. Your concerns have been noted and Hollywood is sure to be filing them all in the “Need to Know” folder …