Daman Wayans Jr. has left New Girl, leaving a vacancy in the loft and in our hearts. While we all know the dangers of jumping into a new relationship too quickly after a breakup, New Girl fans should be thrilled with this rebound. The Fox comedy is using Coach’s departure to usher in guest stars Fred Armisen, Stephen Rannazzisi and Ally Maki for its fifth season. Armisen (of Portlandia and SNL) will play a boarder in the loft after Nick (Jake Johnson) and Schmidt (Max Greenfield) list it on Airbnb. Maki (of Wrecked) will be renting Nick’s room while Rannazzisi (of The League) is cast as the guys’ old college frenemy. Zooey Deschanel’s pregnancy has moved the cast into high gear as they are already hard at work on season five. Another fun addition to the cast is Anna George, playing Cece’s (Hannah Simone) mother…