Oh, brother. No sooner did the Rumble in Kentucky go down then we get another battle for the ages—this one, a little more literal and much more ludicrous. DMX, a rapper, will be boxing George Zimmerman, a man whose lethal shooting of a teenager and subsequent legal troubles have elevated him to the worst variety of American celebrity. Good grief, we live in wild times. Zimmerman said that boxing had been a little hobby of his back before what he rather nonchalantly called “the incident,” and he’s anxious for, in his words, “one of the Biggest Celebrity Boxing matches of all time.” DMX, in the meantime, has promised to “break every rule in boxing.” So everything’s off to a great start and this looks to be yet another big step forward for an important conversation in our country, which should really be renamed “The United States of Bizarrely Famous People Doing Strange Things” …