A sequel to the 1996 classic Space Jam may finally be happening. This week, NBA star Lebron James’ production company Spring Hill Entertainment announced that they had formed a new partnership with Warner Bros. Coincidently—perhaps—just last month, the studio re-registered its trademarks for the Space Jam franchise. This doesn’t necessarily mean that a Space Jam sequel starring Lebron is definitely going to happen, but it certainly seems plausible at this point. In a statement about the new partnership, James said,
Connecting with my fans and telling meaningful stories have always been my passion … It’s always about connecting with people of all ages and providing unique content they can all enjoy. And I’ve always loved movies, which makes Warner Bros. the ultimate partner to help us continue to push the envelope. I can’t wait to see what we come up with,
It’s unclear if Lebron will be taking his talents to the Monstars or the Tune Squad.