With a few tweaks and an intentional mind- set, you can re-engineer your online diver- sions in a way that adds meaning and richness to your offlffline life.
1. Rent, Watch, Discuss
Yes, Hulu is the best thing since sliced bread. But try cutting back on your solo video wanderings by three or four hours a month, and use that “reserved” time to start a monthly movie party/club at your house. (Bonus: popcorn!)
2. The Pinterest Potluck
If your virtual food life is way more adventurous than the actual meals you cook, plan a potluck. Everyone has to bring one new recipe they found on Pinterest. (Bonus: new, tested recipes.)
3. Community Organizing
If you’ve built a strong local Facebook platform, use it to organize an event and bring people together in real life. For example, host a cheese-tasting party, a book swap or a giant kickball game. (Bonus: meeting your neighbors, finally.)
4. The Great Digital Debate of 2012
Use Twitter to generate topic ideas (e.g., “What Christianese do you fifind most problematic?” or “Organic—yay or nay?”). Aftfter a few days of digital dialogue, take it deeper in a coffee shop, bar or home. (Bonus: true, two-way conversation).
5. Spotify Dance-Off
Create a shared Spotify dance playlist. Set a date for a party, and tell everyone to start adding music for the ultimate DJ-ed dance night. (Bonus: burn calories.)