Tim Tebow recently shared a compelling video on his Instagram where preaches inspiration to his fans. He does so by comparing life to a game of football.
“Sometimes for some people, we are down 50 to nothing in the first quarter … But when we know Jesus, at some point in our game, we win,” Tebow shared. “At some point, we come back. At some point, our MVP steps up and balls out for us.”
Tebow has known some loss throughout his career. After being released from three teams, he left football altogether, and now pursues a career in minor-league baseball.
“It doesn’t mean that we aren’t devastated through it,” he continues. “But it means that we can look through our devastation. We can look past it into the hope that Jesus brings us.”
Tebow’s new book, This Is The Day: Reclaim Your Dream. Ignite Your Passion. Live Your Purpose. is out Sept. 25.