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A Definitive Ranking of Television’s Best Christian Characters

A Definitive Ranking of Television’s Best Christian Characters

Christians on television don’t always get depicted in the best light. They’re often a punching bag for jokes or a source of good ol’ fashioned cringe. However, some characters break the mold and make a lasting impression on audiences because of their faith (for good and bad reason).

After much debate, we felt it was time to create a definitive list of the best Christian characters on television:

Mrs. Kim – Gilmore Girls

Played by Emily Kuroda, Mrs. Kim is an extremely conservative Korean woman raising her daughter, Lane, in Stars Hollow. Her devout faith comes up often in the show, like when she shares that she’s only “read the entire Bible in one sitting ‘just three times,'” even if that’s a bit far fetched, or when she mentions that she converted from Buddhism. She can be a bit tough on her daughter, but most of the time it comes from a loving place.

Angela Martin – The Office

Oh, Angela. She plays the role of the judgy Christian co-worker a bit too well at times. Especially when she’s got a log or two in her own eye. But her faith is inspiring, like when she tells Pam with enough prayer, she too can turn herself into a cat person. And who could ever forget her passionate rendition of the Christmas hymn “Little Drummer Boy”?

Josiah Bartlet – The West Wing

President Bartlet was a complicated politician and an even more complex man. Bartlet was a devout Catholic who often relied on his faith to help guide his principles and policies. He quoted the Bible often as a way to defend his decisions, although there were a few times when his use of Scripture was a bit far-fetched. Still, it was entertaining to watch a God-fearing Commander in Chief up close.

Alba Villanueva – Jane the Virgin

The matriarch of the Villanueva family was the glue that held the family together. Through her strong faith, the Villanueva women were constantly reminded that God is in control and only a prayer away. Her love for her family and devout Catholic faith kept her steady throughout the entire series. 

Reverend Lovejoy – The Simpsons

The good Rev. Lovejoy is one of the best representations of ministry leaders ever to grace the small screen. Week in and week out, Lovejoy does his best to handle the apathetic Homer Simpson, over-zealous Ned Flanders and everyone in between. He preaches faithfully even when kids like Bart make noises or someone disrupts the service. Truthfully, it’s a miracle Lovejoy hasn’t left Springfield behind after 33 seasons.

Matt Murdock – Daredevil

The Marvel superhero’s struggle with faith is not an easy one. He often wrestles with his morality and the impact of crime fighting on his soul, which is what makes him such a relatable believer. We all experience doubt and have questions about our faith, but that doesn’t make us an unbeliever. It makes us human, which, for all of Murdock’s strengths, is who he really is.

Matt – St. Denis Medical

Played by Meeki Leeper, Matt is a new nurse at the chaotic St. Denis Medical, and his portrayal offers a fresh, um, unique take on a Christian character in a modern setting. Matt’s sincerity and questionable theological background often leads him to put his foot in his mouth more often than not, but at least his heart is in the right place… right? And some days that’s all we can ask for.

Coach Eric and Tami Taylor – Friday Night Lights

If you know anything about small-town Texas, you’ll know that their faith is just as important as their football. And while head coach Eric Taylor and his wife Tami spend time on and off the field thinking about the game, they always make sure to set their focus right on God. Coach leads the team in prayer before every game, reminding players that above all us, God’s watching over them.

Ned Flanders – The Simpsons

We know, we’ve already mentioned The Simpsons on this list. But is it a true ranking without everyone’s favorite neighbor-eeno Ned Flanders? The hi-diddly-ho neighbor can be pretty cringe and sometimes embarrassing, but his faith is genuine. While the show often pokes fun at his too-nice attitude, Flanders is a good reminder that no matter what the world may think of us, we have a higher calling to live out.

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