In a world where streaming content availability can change at any moment, fans of Arrested Development can breathe a sigh of relief. Netflix has announced it will be holding on to the streaming rights for the show for the foreseeable future, despite previous reports suggesting otherwise.
The Bluths aren’t going anywhere!
Arrested Development is staying on Netflix! And there’s only one way to celebrate: pic.twitter.com/NlrSoBYk8t
— Netflix (@netflix) March 24, 2023
The show — which was initially canceled by Fox after three seasons, revived by Netflix, and then subsequently canceled again — was set to leave the streaming platform on March 14. However, much to fans’ delight, the series has remained available on the streaming platform for the past 10 days, with Netflix finally confirming that they have renewed its licensing deal long-term.
Not only has the deal been renewed, but strengthened. Previously, the first three seasons of the series, which ran on TV, had their streaming rights shared with Hulu. However, the entire series is a Netflix exclusive, leaving Hulu out in the cold. Take that, Hulu!