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‘The Big Bang Theory’ Was 2024’s Most-Binged Show, and We’re as Confused as You Are

‘The Big Bang Theory’ Was 2024’s Most-Binged Show, and We’re as Confused as You Are

Congratulations, humanity: you’ve officially made The Big Bang Theory the most-binged show of 2024.

But let’s be clear: most-binged doesn’t mean most-watched. This isn’t about cultural impact or critical acclaim. It’s about sheer endurance—specifically, how many episodes you sat through in a row before questioning your life choices.

According to Nielsen, each viewer managed to watch an average of 265.5 episodes each on Max. As a species, we racked up 29.1 billion minutes of Sheldon-related shenanigans. Billion. With a B.

If aliens were monitoring us, this might’ve been the year they decided to just leave us alone.

Nielsen says 58% of these marathoners were adults aged 18 to 49, which is… concerning. Are we really still here, rewatching the same jokes about socially awkward, middle-aged nerds who don’t understand women? The same laugh track? The same “Bazinga”? It’s giving “stuck in 2012 energy,” and we need to talk about it.

Runner-up for “most-binged” was American Dad! on Hulu, averaging 175.3 episodes per viewer. Throw in Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, South Park and The Simpsons, and it’s clear that 2024’s streaming trends were basically a frat house fever dream. Somewhere out there, incredible shows like anything on Apple TV+ are waiting to change your life, and instead, you’re still pressing play on Big Bang.

To everyone out there who binged The Big Bang Theory in 2024: why? Just… why? We’re begging you to branch out. The world is full of good TV. Explore something that won’t make you question whether you’re trapped in a time loop. Please. For all of us.

So, if you’re among the masses who binged The Big Bang Theory this year, just know that you contributed to a cultural phenomenon. But also… maybe seek help. After all, it only costs $8 a month to binge-watch The Office.

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