If you’ve watched any of the coverage of this year’s presidential campaigns, you’ve heard Donald Trump talk a big game about how much money he gives away. Buuuuuut, it now appears that Trump has actually given a grand total of $0 to charities for a good while. According to the Washington Post, a list of Donald Trump’s donations over the past five years, compiled by his campaign, did not include a single contribution of his own money. And, for you non math people, $0 is significantly less than the $102 million Trump has claimed to have given away in the past five years. Of the 4,844 donations listed in the campaign’s report, the Post found many of the gifts that Trump cited to prove his generosity were free rounds of golf, given away by his courses for charity auctions and raffles. The newspaper also reported the largest donations on the list were land-conservation agreements to waive development rights on some of his properties. And, while many of the GOP frontrunner’s gifts came from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, the organization did not receive a personal check from Trump between 2008 and 2014, according to the most recent public tax filings. Instead, the foundation’s work is largely funded by others, and Trump decides where the gifts go—which is kind of like giving to charity, right?