If you’re one of the 228,240 people who follow the official Twitter account of the restaurant chain Chipotle, than last night you probably saw a mysterious string of tweets that appeared to be the work of an extremely befuddled social media user. It all started with two separate tweets that simply read “twitter,” followed by tweets that read, “twitter friends search bar,” “Do I have a tweet,” “twitter Find avocado store in Arv” and then “Hit send too soon.” Moments later, the avocado search resumed, and then promptly ended once again: “Find avocado store in Arvada, Colorado,” “Found it!” That’s when things got weird, with a final string of tweets that started with this post, in which they seem to be asking themselves a question, we sincerely hope they already know the answer to: “@chipotletweets What is cilantro? How do you pronounce it?” followed by, “Hi sweetie, can you please pick up some lime, salt, and onions? Twitter,” “end twitter,” “Mittens13 password leave,” “please twitter” and finally “@twitter How do I get out of here?”
Eventually, someone named “Joe,” who appears to be an actual employee of the burrito chain, put an end to the madness, informing followers, “Sorry all. We had a little problem with our account. But everything is back on track now!” and “Please return to your usual #chipotle love and thanks for your patience with us today. – Joe.” No, Joe, thank you …