Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan candidly spoke with The Hollywood Reporter recently about his upcoming prequel spin-off series, Better Call Saul. The crime drama will tell the story of lawyer Saul Goodman’s early years, and will feature a handful of familiar Albuquerque faces, first introduced to audiences in Breaking Bad. Gilligan said that even though the show is two weeks behind schedule, there are “a lot of smart people doing their best” to make the new show a success. And though he has high hopes for Better Call Saul, the acclaimed producer acknowledged that spin-offs aren’t easy. “If it’s After M*A*S*H rather than Frasier, it won’t be for lack of hard work … but you just don’t know until the world takes it.” Gilligan told the reporters that he felt like it was important not to take too much time off after Breaking Bad wrapped and he wanted to jump into the next project even if history does not look kindly on Better Call Saul. “It may turn out that this was a mistake to do this,” he said …