Once again, it’s time for a debate sound-off, RELEVANT style. Today we are discussing last night’s clash between Senator John Edwards and Vice-President Dick Cheney. Thanks to all who responded with their views, insights, commentaries and witty one-liners. Here are some of the more noteworthy responses …
[GENERAL COMMENTS – (warning: heavily pro-Cheney)]
“I hope that everyone who posts a comment is registered to vote.”
-Casey Morgan
“Edwards was extremely arrogant during the debate. I found it funny when Edwards asked to have a question repeated and then he stated that he knew that was the question. Edwards rarely even looked at Cheney when he was speaking. Is that because when you are lying, your eyes roll up and to the right? Cheney did an excellent job and I thought that he seemed real. His answers were sharp at times but good. Cheney definitely won the debate for me.”
-Eric Seibel
“Is this election really between Vice President Cheney and Senator Kerry, or is it just me? Cheney clearly wears the pants in this administration.”
-Alex Caldwell
“I really enjoyed the sparring back and forth and I thought Edwards did well, but he interrupted and broke the rules a few times. You could tell Cheney had him against the ropes several times, especially when he began to interrupt.”
-Matt Stallbaum
“I can’t believe Cheney lied about the Iraq on live TV. I remember watching Meet the Press when Cheney said there definitely was an Irag-Al Qaeda connection. To see him say that he never said there was an Iraq-Al Qaeda connection was unexpected. I know that he is a ‘politician’ but usually politicians are slicker with their lying.”
-Peter Wilson
“Sen. Edward’s interruptions into Cheney’s discourses, adding to his incredible record of senate activity and attendance, casts serious doubts in my mind as to whether or not he has the emotional aptitude to make it asvice-president.”
“Cheney definitely won the debate tonight … calm, cool, collected and setting the facts straight. Edwards was nervous, laughed uneasily, and was mixing up the facts over and over, with Cheney continually correcting him. The Republicans won on style and substance last night.”
-Aaron Jamison
“Both candidates made their points, but Cheney was far more experienced in this arena than Edwards, proving once again that Edwards isn’t qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.”
-Jeremy Zehr
“I thought Cheney especially, came off as very intelligent and witty. Edwards was polished and professional for the most part, but Cheney clearly won the debate. I was quite disappointed to find out this morning that the best comment of the night, about last night being the first time the two had met, was untrue. With that aside, I have turned into a huge fan of Dick Cheney.”
-Jessica Wilson
“Wasn’t it interesting that Cheney described himself as being one heartbeat away from the Presidency … this coming from a man who has had multiple heart problems.”
-Tim Beck
“Regardless of what the media says, Grandpa Cheney told lil’ Johnny to fetch a switch and took him to the woodshed last night.”
-Shawn Stewart
“I heard this morning on the way to work … one local radio station personality said,‘John Edwards last night reminded me of watching a dumb puppy dog saying ‘Pick me, pick me’ where as Dick Cheney was like old yeller … poised, experienced and strong.’ I liked the comparison.”
-Jenny Estebo
“I heard it described on NPR as a tea party for pit bulls. Cheney acted like a CEO and Edwards as a trial lawyer. I think it was a draw.”
-Bruce Porter
“Experience trumps sexual appeal. Cheney pulled Edwards over his knee and spanked him. Edwards’ non-responsive ‘American people hear what I’m about to say’ mantra was annoying. Still, Cheney could have smiled more.”
-Michael Reitz
“Last night sounded like a DJ battle. Spin,spin,spin.”
-Jeremy Brand
“Nothing revealing from either side. Both of them did a good job going back to old questions to get one last jab.One thing I felt was that despite the fact that Edwards is 51, Cheney made him look like he was 25 … did anyone notice Edwards tearing off copious amounts oflegal paper like he would find the answers to his question on the next sheet?”
-Andrew Fouche
“The two men’s claims were just more of the same we’d already heard from Bush and Kerry a week earlier. Not that this surprises me, I was just looking for something a little less tedious and repetitive.”
-Mike Ibarra
[MOST EFFECTIVE OPENING SENTENCE IN GETTING US TO NOT TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY] “OK, so we didn’t see the debates ourselves, but these are the comments this morning from three fellow members of our Fantasy Football League … ”
-Paul & Dawn Paternoster
Thanks again to everyone for their responses. As usual, feel free to add your comments on the comment box below. I’m sure they’ll be as amusing as the actual e-mails. We’ll see how Bush and Kerry do this Friday, in round two of the presidential debates …