An 84-year-old nun was among several protestors sentenced to prison for breaking into a nuclear weapons compound and hanging peace banners, splashing human blood, stringing crime scene tape and hammering off a small peace of the massive inner bunker that housed the nuclear material. When caught by security at the facility, the group sang and offered the guards Bibles, asking to break bread with them. Lawmakers were enraged at the poor security that allowed the group to break into the weapons facility, and contractors in charge have sense been fired. Even though she received a 3-year-sentence, during her trial, the nun requested that the judge show no leniency, saying, “To remain in prison for the rest of my life would be the greatest gift you could give me.” Some of the other protestors said the break-in was a miracle from God that allowed them to raise social awareness about the bombs. Among the banners they hung on the bunker was one that read, “The fruit of justice is peace” …