The newspaper The Guardian was recently invited into the home of famed neurosurgeon and GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson, and they snapped a few glorious images of some truly incredible pieces of custom artwork. Along with walls adorned with various awards from his decorated medical career, Carson’s house also featured two somewhat curious pieces of inspirational art.
One is a portrait of Carson wearing a medical coat, with Jesus Christ standing with his arm around him smiling. It is spectacular.
The other is—somehow—even stranger. On what appears to be a marble facade, a Bible verse is chiseled directly into the wall. However, the verse reference is from the book of “poverbs.” (Protip: If you are considering custom chiseled marble in your own mansion, always use spell check first.) We’re assuming Carson is aware of the typo, but we’re also assuming that chiseling directly into marble isn’t something that is easy to correct. Either way, it provides a glimpse at what a White House renovation could soon look like.