Uncle Sam is sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong yet again: Into your kitchen—and this time, he’s sniffing out all of your trans fats. Big Brother now wants to tell your favorite makers of French fries, delicious desserts and microwavable treats what they can and can’t covertly put into the food that freedom-loving Americans previously enjoyed without the fat cats in D.C. telling them they can’t. The FDA has announced that it is requiring trans fats to be phased out as part of an effort to “reduce coronary heart disease” and “prevent thousands of fatal heart attacks every year,” just because trans fats are “basically poison.”
Sure, trans fats have mostly been eliminated from food sold in stores, but, the new policy will make sure that they are almost entirely banned and replaced with oils that don’t have “zero health benefits” according to “scientists” concerned about “heart disease” the “leading cause of death in the United States.” Thanks, Obama. Give us liberty, or give us … a cake frosting without indistinguishable kinds of fatty oils that might lead to premature death by heart attack. We’ll still eat it, but on principle, we will not like it nearly as much …