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As Christian Teachings Increase in Public Schools, the Satanic Temple Wants In Too

As Christian Teachings Increase in Public Schools, the Satanic Temple Wants In Too

No surprise, the Satanic Temple is looking to play devil’s advocate in the education system.

Following a wave of new laws and policies aimed to integrate Christianity into public education — like Texas recently approving Bible-based lessons in schools, Louisiana mandating posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms, and Oklahoma requiring Bibles in every classroom — the Satanic Temple has announced a plan to increase their presence in public schools with the Hellion Academy of Independent Learning (HAIL) afterschool program.

Opponents have argued that implementing Christian teachings in the curriculum is a “slippery slope” that will result in other religious teachings being allowed in the classroom. And it seems like The Satanic Temple is trying to prove that point.

June Everett, campaign director for HAIL, told The Hill that they are not trying to convert students toward Satan with their afterschool program, but want to push back against the increase in religious education.

“We don’t believe in the biblical Satan or any sort of supernatural Satan. We do look to Satan as a symbol and nothing else,” Everett said.”Our goal is never to aggressively grow our programs. Our goal is to just be there as an alternative for the people that want us there. If they want to hang the Ten Commandments up and we have somebody who wants to push for the seven tenets to be hung up, The Satanic Temple would fight for that.”

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