For the last week, a continuous revival has taken place on Asbury University’s campus with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. In fact, the revival has started spreading to other college campuses around the country.
As RELEVANT reported earlier this week, for over 133 hours and counting, people have been praying, worshipping and sharing testimonies in an ongoing revival happening on Asbury’s campus. Students and professors joined in, and now there are eyewitnesses coming from all over the country to experience the revival themselves.
But the revival isn’t staying contained to one campus. Multiple college and university officials have shared students are experiencing a shift on their own campuses.
Rob Fultz, the campus pastor for Lee University, shared that “a might move of God” was taking place on campus and posted updates of the growing revival to social media.
A mighty move of God started this morning at Lee and is has been building throughout the day. We are approaching the 10th hour, nothing but voices in prayer, worship, and repentance. pic.twitter.com/rdJe5pn6uR
— Rob Fultz, Ed.D (@therobfultz) February 14, 2023
Update: 12 hours in, still growing, still worshipping, still repenting. Isiah 64 – rend the heavens oh lord and come down!!! pic.twitter.com/PNNeTuxRfa
— Rob Fultz, Ed.D (@therobfultz) February 14, 2023
1:30 am, salvation, deliverance and healing are here! Isaiah 40 – a voice calling in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord! pic.twitter.com/IJ5fku0KMX
— Rob Fultz, Ed.D (@therobfultz) February 14, 2023
Elsewhere in Kentucky, at Campbellsville University, Campus Minister Trey Creason shared that the daily prayer service extended well beyond it’s normal hours, continuing on over 12 hours after it was scheduled to wrap up.
“Every Monday and Thursday we open our chapel to prayer from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,” Creason said. “This week I sent out an invitation to pray to our campus and local ministers during this time and invite them to an intentional time to pray last night at 9. During our time together we took intentional time to pray for our students, faculty, staff, praying for ministries on campus and various needs. We had numerous support from our community show up to pray during this time. President Hopkins remained with us the duration of the night helping lead times of worship and reflection. Students continued to spend time praying, worshipping and reflecting until around 2:45 am. God has been working in great ways in so many avenues on campus the last two years and continues to do so.”
Up in Ohio, Cedarville University President Dr. Thomas White, who attended the revival at Asbury over the weekend, shared students on campus were lingering to worship after this week’s daily 10 a.m. chapel services.
“Chapel @Cedarville yesterday (Tuesday) kept going until after 1 p.m. We gathered again last night at 8 p.m. for prayer and praise, which lasted another two hours with students still gathering in smaller groups when I left at 11,” White said in a Tuesday morning Facebook post. “I love our students and their passion for Jesus! God may be stirring hearts across the country. Pray! Pray for wisdom on how to steward this moment and for a genuine authentic outpouring of God’s Grace and power.”