Back in 1913, a 20-year-old by the name of Richard Platz scribbled a note, stuffed it in a bottle, and threw it into the Baltic Sea—an S.O.S. to the world, if you will. Where exactly the bottle has been since then, no one can say, but it was picked up not far from that same place last month by a fisherman. The message and its bottle are 100 years old, thought to be the oldest recovered such message in history. And, what’s more, the message was delivered to Platz’s 64-year-old granddaughter, who’s living in Berlin. She’d never met her mother’s father and although time has worn the message almost illegible, experts are hard at work trying to put it altogether. Just a reminder to Sting—and all of us—to never give up hope on whatever bottles we may have flung into the sea …