A viral campaign to get Christian Bale (Newsies) to visit the survivors of the Aurora shootings paid off on Tuesday, when Batman himself showed up at the Swedish Medical Center in Aurora to visit with the wounded. It’s a very nice gesture from a celebrity not known for being as cuddly and PR-friendly as his publicist would probably like him to be, but it’s also hard to imagine Bale talked about with everyone. If you’ve ever met a celebrity, you know how awkward it is to think of something to say that doesn’t make you sound like a star-struck teenager. And it’s got to be particularly difficult to come across as a rational, reasonable adult when he’s coming to see you, in particular. Still, that doesn’t take away from the fact that this is a nice thing of Christian Bale to do. And everyone looks like they had a great time. Thank-you, Christian Bale. You are not the hero we need, but you still seem very nice …