Yesterday, it was revealed that in a closed-door White House meeting, while discussing immigration and protections for immigrants from countries including Haiti, El Salvador and several African countries were being discussed, Trump reportedly said, “Why are we having all these people from sh**hole countries come here?”
After saying that the U.S. needed more people from countries like Norway (which is predominantly white), he then said, “Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out.” The comments were told to The Washington Post by people familiar with the meeting, and initially, were not denied by the White House (though Trump denied some of them this morning).
The comments were met with disgust and shock from leaders around the world.
Haitian-American GOP congresswoman Mia Love took to Twitter and said that the president must apologize in a statement.
Many Christian leaders took to Twitter to express their outrage at the comments as well. (Warning: Some of the tweets contain profanity.)
(This list will updated throughout the day.)