A “prank” making the Internet rounds today is one from pranking YouTubers LAHWF and Stuart Edge, in which they film each other running up behind girls and picking them up. Admittedly, that doesn’t sound like a “prank” so much as it sounds like a “kidnapping.” Even the video’s “About Section” says that their idea “borders on assault” but that “luckily everyone responded positively.” Yes, well. “Responded positively” is one way to look at it. Perhaps “too unnerved to know what to do” or “raised in a society where this sort of behavior is acceptable” is another way of looking at it. Even YouTube commenters—generally a tough crowd to offend—weren’t thrilled about the video. “This is, by any modest definition, a sexual assault,” said one. The video joins a host of increasingly disconcerting Internet pranks that involve invading someone else’s personal space, committing genuine crimes or else just being very creepy. So, please, think before you prank, make sure what you’re doing isn’t dangerous, unhealthy or illegal and, for Heaven’s sake, don’t pick anyone up without their permission …