Online fundraising pages for police officer Darren Wilson—who was identified as the officer who shot unarmed, black teen Michael Brown six times during a confrontation weeks ago—have raised more money than a page set up by the Brown family’s lawyer to “assist his family with costs that they will acquire as they seek justice on Michael’s behalf.” As of Monday morning, the Michael Brown Memorial Fund page has brought in nearly $242,000 compared to two “Support Officer Wilson” campaigns that have combined to raise more than $347,000. According to the new page for Darren Wilson, the donations go through “’Shield of Hope,’ a certified charity, and the official nonprofit organization accepting donations for Officer Wilson at this time.”
The shooting of Michael Brown—and the Ferguson police department’s slow response to critics and crackdown on protestors—sparked days of public demonstrations, and at times, violence in the St. Louis suburb. A Grand Jury is still deciding whether charges will be brought against Wilson in the case …