MTV. TIME Magazine. Huffington Post. Billboard. Like Frodo before him, Jesse Carey has been burdened with glorious purpose, and that purpose is to listen to Nickelback for 168 straight hours to raise money for Charity:Water. His mission became a passion. His passion became a movement. His movement became a legend. People across the world, inspired by his heroism and sacrifice, repeat the tale in breathless tones. Ballads are being written. Statues erected. The story has taken on the mythic proportions of a Gilgamesh epic. But through the rumors and tales, there stands the man himself, and RELEVANT is the only place with the incredible true story. As longtime readers know, Jesse is a our staff writer and a regular on the RELEVANT Podcast, which means this is the only place to stay up to date on his quest.
It’s true that word of his conquest has spread far beyond our borders but, alas, good press does not a well dig. Since the initial push, giving on Jesse’s Charity:Water page has slowed a bit. Do not let this man suffer in vain. Encourage him through his struggle, that the legend may continue to spread. Onward, to victory …