It’s a Christmas story for the ages, and it’s got it all. A sad premise, a darkest hour and, beautifully, a very happy ending. The sad premise: 85-year-old James Gray, a retired butler who has no immediate family, and got so tired of being alone that he took out an ad in the wanted section to see if anyone wanted to come spend Christmas with him. Goodness, we should have warned you, this is a traumatic story. Only one person responded and, in the darkest hour portion of our tale, even that person backed out. So, Mr. Gray took to The Post with his tale, saying, “I think there must be quite a few lonely people around and I am on my own, so it would make sense I think if someone came here for Christmas lunch …This time of year is so hard if you are old and alone because it feels like everybody else around you is enjoying themselves.” And the story took off.
And so we come to our happy ending. Mr. Gray has received a flood of responses from around the world of people offering to spend their Christmas with him. Those who can’t be there in person are sending hundreds of cards and presents, and why should they have all the fun? You can send him your own message at the address here or The Irish Post is offering print out any tweets you’d like to send his way. Let’s all give Mr. Gray the present he deserves. Merry Christmas, Mr. Gray. Merry Christmas, everyone …