“The apostle Paul called Christians not to avenge ourselves, but to leave it to the wrath of God and instead to return good for evil. And then he said that God gave the sword (the gun) into the hand of governmental rulers to express that wrath in the pursuit of justice in this world … Jesus promised that violent hostility will come; and the whole tenor of His counsel
—John Piper, Desiring God Ministries
“We have the highest number of privately held guns in the world. We are about 4% of the world’s population and we have about 42% of its privately held weapons. That’s insane.”
—Rob Bell, author
“When somebody’s got a gun in your baby’s mouth, you want somebody to do more than praise the Lord or pray. You, as a parent, want them to take action to protect your child.”
—T.D. Jakes, author, senior pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas
“What kind of society values the lives of its people so little that it would allow the unregulated sale of weapons created for the single purpose of ending human lives?”
—Lisa Sharon Harper, chief church engagement officer at Sojourners
“I do not think that our debates over gun control are debates over whether or not we will be pro-life. The question of gun control is a different question than the question of gun violence itself. … I’m suspicious of gun control measures as naïve and ineffective, if not counter-productive, preferring to combat gun violence with strict enforcement of laws against gun crime and murder rather than with measures to impede the ability of law-abiding citizens to own weapons.”
—Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
“Mr. President, you’re looking at the wrong place when it comes to the root cause of gun violence.”
—Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse