Mark Wahlberg’s history is pretty varied as it stands—he’s been in Oscar-winning movies like The Departed and also in, well, not-Oscar-nominated movies. And, lest we forget, he also had a rap career as the head of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. But one nearly forgotten part of Wahlberg’s story has recently come to light again—by Wahlberg’s choice. Wahlberg had a brief but very troubling career as a criminal. His list of crimes included throwing rocks and yelling racial slurs at an elementary school class in 1986 and, perhaps more seriously, savagely beating two men outside a convenience store while screaming racial epithets at them.
Walhberg was a teenager at the time, and he was sentenced to two years in jail (though he ended up only serving 45 days). Now, Wahlberg is looking to get his juvenile record pardoned (he’s hoping to become a reserve officer for the Los Angeles Police Department). Public opinion is divided on whether he should get it or not, but The Daily Mail tracked down one of Wahlberg’s victims—a man named Johnny Trinh—who says he forgives Wahlberg for what happened, saying, “He was young and reckless, but I forgive him now. “I would like to see him get a pardon.”
###Other Celebrities Who Need Forgiveness:
Benedict Cumberbatch – For getting engaged to someone else when he knows how much you love him.
Aubrey Plaza – For being in Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever when she really should have known better.
Leonardo DiCaprio – For growing this beard. Leonardo DiCaprio should not be growing this beard.