It’s been fifteen days since America had a government operating at full capacity, and lawmakers are signaling that a deal may be nearing that would kick things back into full swing and, more importantly, avoid the much ballyhooed default on Thursday.
The details of the agreement are a little sketchy, but it appears that it would fund the government at least through January, raise its borrowing authority through February, put in motion a plan to reduce spending and leave the Affordable Healthcare Act essentially untouched. The draft has a lot of support, but there is still some skepticism that Speaker John Boehner will be able to rally enough of the GOP to get it off the ground. The Republican Party has had a difficult time maintaing their public image in the midst of all this, with recent polls showing 74% of Americans disagree with the way they’re handling negotiations. No member of government is off the hook though: 61% disagree with how Democrats have handled it, and 53% disapprove of President Obama’s negotiation attempts …