Yes, Lent still matters. But when Lent season actually rolls around, many people remain unsure of what exactly they should give up. Never fear. We at RELEVANT have put together the definitive list of how to handle this season.
You think everyone needs to read every single thought that comes into your head? Not during Lent they don’t.
Your blogging platform of choice has its uses, but its best use right now is silence.
Your Explosive Scoop on Amy Klobuchar
Let the voters decide on Klobuchar.
Put them in the slammer.
Brass Knuckles
You can go a few weeks without them.
The Infinity Stones
Use the stones to destroy the stones.
Ouija Boards
Back to the game closet with this one.
Now That’s What I Call Music, Vol. 4
Savage Garden, Mandy Moore, Smash Mouth, Train, Blink-182 and others will just have to wait.
Your Post-It Note With Banksy’s True Identity Written On It
You haven’t published it yet. You can wait till Lent is over.
The Third Season of ‘The West Wing’ on DVD
It can sit on the shelf for now.
Reading ‘Infinite Jest’
Fairly easy.
Your Pirate Blouse
Pirate blouses aren’t even in season. You’ll be fine.
Your Pirate Treasure
Better to sit on that till the economy stabilizes anyway.
Human Skull Collection
It’ll still be there when Lent is over.
Memorizing All the Lyrics to ‘O.P.P.’
Give it up.
Your Sneaking Suspicion that Susan Wants to Be More Than Just Friends
This is an important question, but it’s not one to entertain during Lent.
There will be time for sleep later.