Two people were killed and several others were injured when a gunman, who has been identified as 58-year-old John Russel Houser, opened fire on moviegoers at a Louisiana theater showing the film Trainwreck. Houser shot himself after opening fire. Witnesses told police that shortly after the film began, Houser silently stood up and started shooting people with a semi-automatic handgun. Police told reporters that Housers seemed to be a drifter, and they found disguises in the nearby hotel room where he was staying. A Louisiana State Police official told CNN, “There’s nothing to believe that there was any kind of motive.” In a statement, Gov. Bobby Jindal said, “This is an awful night for Lafayette, this is an awful night for Louisiana, this is an awful night for the United States. But we will get through this.” Amy Schumer, who wrote in starred in the film that being shown, tweeted, “My heart is broken and all my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Louisiana.” Just a week ago, shooter James Holmes was convicted of killing 12 people at theater in Colorado in 2012.