Some describe the sensation as thrilling. Jaw-dropping. Even exhilarating.
It’s a familiar feeling to film buffs who have seen many versions of the shock-twist ending in films like Fight Club and Unbreakable. In one moment we’re waiting for the happy ending Hollywood is so fond of lulling us into; moments later the movie spins on its heel in an abrupt about face, forcing us to reevaluate every scene that has come before with more insight.
An interesting comparison: Upon waking up in heaven, each of us will look back upon our lives and see God’s carefully choreographed plan with more insight than when we were living in its midst. In the same way the story opened anew by the fleeting gut punch at the end of The Sixth Sense, when we meet God, we will be hit with a revelation about our lives. We will see family, friends and others who have deeply influenced us as a part of God’s infinite design. We will see how God was our lifeline and our stretcher in the darkest times. We will see how He used us to plant seeds in others we didn’t even know we were planting.
When we’re hit with the understanding of God’s involvement in our every step here, we will be overcome by the depth of His love and will be overwhelmed with worship. Psalms chapter 29 says, “The voice of the Lord strikes with lightening bolts,” an apt description for the revelation that will penetrate each of us on that day. There are many twists, turns and intersections we will come to understand with His perspective.
Instead of simply reevaluating a two-hour film, we will rather see an entire life as if for the first time. The goose bumps accompanying the twist in the end of The Others will be no match for that unveiling of all time. This fresh revealing will lead us into an eternity of adoring our God who knew all … from the very first line of the story.