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Science: Discipline Or Demagogue

Science: Discipline Or Demagogue

How much time do you spend thinking about leptogenesis? For the uninitiated, leptogensis is a theory in the arena of physics. I don’t pretend to have any kind of inside knowledge of the subject apart from the fact that I ran across the term in the magazine Popular Science. The theory of leptogenesis states that “neutrinos” explain the origin of the universe. Apparently a neutrino is the cousin of the common electron. If you had asked me before this week I would have wagered a guess that Neutrinos were on your kitchen table next to the Corn Flakes and Cheerios. Alas, neutrinos are not a part of a balanced diet. But they are a part of scientific theory.

I’m sure that you realize that we live in a world that is governed by science (or so we would like to think). Science has become the god of our culture. The professors at the university are the oracles of our time. There is a problem, however. These professors think that a willing student can gain the best education possible without even including God in the equation. Their science precludes any serious discussion of God. Such discussions are left to the psychologist and the anthropologist. Does that mean that the Christian Theist has to crawl into a hole whenever a scientific type person comes around? If we are to be completely honest, it is the scientist who should often find a hiding place.

Here are a few ideas to keep in mind when thinking about the role of science in your life.

1. Science may be the ultimate authority in our culture, but all the scientists themselves don’t agree on what is true about our universe.

2. Some may say that science explains everything, but it can only explain what it can test empirically. You can’t test a man’s soul or intellect.

3. If science is all there is and there is no God then that leaves little hope for man because we are reduced to mere matter (i.e. we are no better than a rock or a salamander).

So if you don’t get real excited about leptogenesis, that’s okay. And neutrinos probably won’t have a direct bearing on your life any time soon. It is nice to know, however, that even though science proves a great deal, it is not God.


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