A New Year. New Beginnings. Time for new things.
In 2002, when Relevant (at least the literary portion) was only an email called 850, I began writing for Relevant. Then came a website with a little section called Deeper Walk that I would edit. And then Deeper Walk debuted in the first print issue of Relevant. For over 5 years, I had my little spot in the corner where I was given the gift of putting words to paper. We change, or we grow stale. Now it is time for new voices to have their space.
I am immensely thankful to Cara Davis and Cameron Strang for giving me the incredible opportunity to write. I’m a writer, and well, if I had no home for my pen, things would be difficult.
I am thankful to each of you have written notes or made comments or offered thanks or said, “hi” at Starbucks in a strange town (that’s only happened once, but wow, was it crazy – even got me a free frappucino). Thanks for letting me tell you about my family and my loves and my wrestlings. Thank you for letting me think out loud. Thanks for reading.
I’d love to stay connected, if you like. You can snag me at my site or my blog.
grace and peace,