This week, Hillsong United singer Joel Houston sparked a theological debate after tweeting some thoughts on evolution and creation.
It all started when he tweeted, “Evolution is undeniable—created by God as a reflective means of displaying nature’s pattern of renewal in pursuance of God’s Word—an ode to the nature of the creative God it reflects—and only ever in part—not the SOURCE! Science and faith aren’t at odds. God created the Big-Bang.” He later went on to post a lengthy thread unpacking the tweet, explaining in one reply, “I believe God created humanity out of the dust.. and breathed his breath/Spirit into us.”
But the initial backlash is somewhat surprising considering his view is shared by a lot of other Christians, including the late Billy Graham.
Graham once wrote: “I don’t think that there’s any conflict at all between science today and the Scriptures. I think we have misinterpreted the Scriptures many times and we’ve tried to make the Scriptures say things that they weren’t meant to say, and I think we have made a mistake by thinking the Bible is a scientific book. The Bible is not a book of science. The Bible is a book of Redemption, and of course, I accept the Creation story. I believe that God created man, and whether it came by an evolutionary process and at a certain point He took this person or being and made him a living soul or not, does not change the fact that God did create man … whichever way God did it makes no difference as to what man is and man’s relationship to God.”
You can read more of Joel Houston’s thread here.