Over the last week, the Asbury University revival has grown from a small group of students to thousands of visitors traveling to Kentucky to witness the revival for themselves.
For 185 hours (and counting), people have been sharing their personal experiences at the ongoing chapel service. The vast majority has been positive, calling the organic movement of worship, repentance and salvations a truly special spiritual moment. (And one that is already spreading to other campuses.)
But on social media, of course, other Christians have also posted skepticism and downright criticism. Thankfully, faith leaders who have seen the revival first-hand are pushing back on that narrative. Here are a few worth listening to:
Pete Greig, founder of the 24-7 Prayer Movement:
Jennie Allen, founder of the IF: Gathering:
Ed Stetzer, author and professor at Wheaton College:
Shane Pruitt, Next Generation Director for the National American Mission Board:
Richard Blackaby, President of Blackaby Ministries International:
Every revival in history has had its critics, usually within the Church, because they disagreed with how God was doing it. pic.twitter.com/fYTfGNZYWY
— Richard Blackaby (@richardblackaby) February 14, 2023