The first time Noah’s ark was built, everyone thought it was a crazy idea. Now, another Noah’s ark is being constructed-and it still seems a bit out there. The Creation Museum, in Petersburg, Ky., is expanding to include a $155 million theme park called the Ark Encounter.
When the Creation Museum first opened in 2007, its goal was to build a monument of sorts to a literal creationist account of Genesis. With the Ark Encounter, they hope to illustrate the reality of Noah’s gigantic mission.
“When you get to walk through the boat and see how big this thing really was, and how many cages were for food and water… Our hope is people start seeing that this is plausible, that the account could be believed,” project manager Mike Zovath says.
In addition to visiting an authentic modern-day ark replica, visitors will be able to stroll through an old-world village and visit other iconic landmarks of the Old Testament. Let’s just hope there aren’t plans to reconstruct the Tower of Babel anytime soon-we all know how that went last time around.