Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I’ve never heard the audible voice of God. I’ve heard stories about people hearing God audibly, but I’ve never experienced it myself. But there have been specific moments when His whisper inside of me is so strong, so clear, that I am completely overcome.
As I was driving my care one night, I had one of those “moments.” God left me speechless with three simple words impressed in my mind: wait, hope, trust. That was all He spoke. But that was all He needed to say.
We all have obstacles in our lives that keep us from fully walking in the freedom that He died on the cross to give us – I like to think of them as mountains. In the midst of our storms, or even in the midst of our best days, we constantly ponder our purpose in life and dream of the greatness that lies ahead, whatever it may be. But we don’t know how to obtain the faith that it is required to move these mountains so that we may grab hold of the future we desire. Everything in our hearts wants to move them; yet sometimes, it seems easier to leave them there than change to the way things have always been. What if we fail?
As I sat in my car, I realized how much freedom could be found in those three simple words. But also I realized how I pick and choose which three I do. When I have time to sit at His feet, I wait. When I see the promise of something great on the horizon, I hope. When I see results to the countless prayers I have offered up, I trust.
I don’t even view hope and trust as actions. They simply seem like nice “things” to process in my Christian walk. But God is not calling us to pick and choose. He is calling us to fully embrace all three, for they cannot exist in their truest forms without one another.
We cannot wait on Him when we don’t completely trust that He is in control and have a hope beyond doubt that His promises are true. We cannot have hope that His promises are for us unless we wait for Him to speak and reveal His will and trust that His plan is so much better than ours. We cannot fully trust in a God that we don’t take the time to wait and grow in love with if our hope is not Him and Him alone.
As we do all three by the power of His grace, faith comes flooding in, and Jesus revealed, we are able to move mountains with faith the mere size of a mustard seed. Maybe your mountain is an addiction. Maybe its finally receiving complete acceptance or stepping out and doing what you know God’s whisper has been speaking all along. Whatever the obstacle is, move it with the power He has given you, waiting, hoping, trusting.
Dig Deeper
Lord, help me to learn to wait at Your feet and plan all of my hope and trust in You. Increase my faith, that I may move this mountain and truly understand the greatness of your plans for me.