“Tree Church” is exactly what it sounds like, and it looks incredible. Barry Cox has two great passions in life: trees and churches. For years, he traveled the world, studying the designs of church buildings and the architectural style behind them. He also loves trees so much that he runs a business that transports large trees to new locations so they don’t have to be chopped down. The New Zealander told Stuff.co.nz,
I walked out my back door one day and thought, ‘That space needs a church’ – and so it began. I cleared the area in April 2011 and made the iron frame, drawing on all the research I had done over the years of studying churches. I wanted the roof and the walls to be distinctly different, to highlight the proportions, just like masonry churches.
It took Cox four years to finish the structure, which has walls and a ceiling made from living trees, but he’s recently opened Tree Church for weddings and visitors. He told the site, “Visitors have said that they find the Tree Church relaxing and that their worries disappear. I find that sort of feedback immensely rewarding.” You can see a brief video tour of the structure here.