Remember the story from last week about a mysterious “angel” priest who appeared at the scene of a car accident to pray with an injured driver before mysteriously vanishing? Well, his name is Rev. Patrick Dowling. After emergency workers and the crash victims claimed that an unnamed priest disappeared after saying a prayer with an injured traveler, the story went viral, with some speculating that the man may have been an angel in disguise. Rev. Dowling may be an angel—he’s just not the supernatural kind. He explained the incident in the comment section of a news article, saying he parked about 150 yards away from the scene of the accident and asked the sheriff for permission to approach. After praying with the victims and rescue workers, he left and continued on his way. Only later did he learn that his appearance had led to a story about a visit from angels. Though, in his comment, he did say that there were “angels” at the scene of the accident that day. “I think there may have been angels there too and, in this context, I congratulate the fire team from New London and Hannibal, the Sheriff/deputies of Ralls County, the Highway Patrol personnel, the helicopter team, the nurses and all who worked so professionally. God has blessed your work. I hope the credit goes where it is due” …