“Women are the weaker sex.” I have heard it before in locker rooms
and get-togethers where men only are involved. Surely it is meant to
reassure themselves that they are important, but it has always struck
me as quite ridiculous. After being married for 12 years, I can assure
any of you that feel this way that it is as crazy as believing jumping on
a smaller grenade won’t hurt as bad (not that getting married is like
jumping on a grenade).
I have two reasons for my claim.
- Women have babies (and after seeing that process twice I am sure I would not have made it through even once)
- ”…God made a ‘helpmate’ suitable for him”…Who is stronger, the one who needs help or the one helping?
I’ll be the first to admit that I am not even close to a women’s lib/
feminist type. I believe in everything manly and feel like camo should
be added to all of life’s events to make them complete. I value very
much the traditional picture of marriage and the benefit that I have
seen first hand when a marriage reflects this picture. Somewhere along
the line we have confused value and strength with God-given roles. The
leader is not the strongest because he leads … Scripture is clear that
the leader needs help (see reason #2 for my claim). Do you realize how
much more strength it takes to support someone else’s mission than to
just make up your own?
It is no different in the church. There
is likely a Sr. Pastor who is called to layout the vision for your
congregation. The ones who carry the burden of the “how to” part of the
vision must be strong. The team around the Sr. Pastor is as critical to
the church as the Sr. Pastor. The role of the operational team is not
only important, it’s invaluable. An imperfect message on Sunday morning
can still contain perfect wisdom. An audit from the IRS when you
haven’t followed proper money handling procedures can shut down a
church. The detail work of the operations team is almost always in
support behind the scenes. Find your strength in support of God’s
vision. Everyone should be supporting someone. The body of Christ has
many parts.Go ask a Godly woman for some tips…tell her you need help.