Groggily rolling out of bed and rushing to get ready for work is a terrible way to start the day though commonplace for many of us. The current state of our society is one of hastiness. However, there is a very important element many of us seem to forget as our daily scenarios unfold. The element is a simple one; I’ll give you a hint—it begins with a “break” and ends with a “fast.” Why do we cut ourselves so short on this easy task?
Maybe we are under the misconception that eating in the morning is a waste of time? Or perhaps we think we can make it until lunchtime rolls around, instead. Both thoughts are incorrect—we are hurting ourselves which is a more pressing issue than saving a little bit of time.
Severely underrated, breakfast is such a simple way to significantly improve health. Somehow in the past few decades, with every second counting in the morning rituals of speedily darting to work, school, etc., we’ve lost sight of this vital meal. Breakfast has become more of a burden than the important meal it was in previous times.
The word on its own, “breakfast,” describes breaking a fast. As our bodies sleep through the night, they use up all of the energy from the previous day, which is essentially a fast. It only makes sense then that we should break our fasts by refueling our bodies. By doing so, we are giving ourselves much needed energy at the start of our days. The outcome is a more fruitful day because our bodies are able to have more vigor.
A major benefit of breakfast is that of increased metabolism. Currently many Americans are concerned about maintaining a healthy weight. Breakfast is a surefire way to increase the amount of calories your body burns throughout the day. If breakfast is your major source of energy, you will have time to use up the stored energy. It will provide the desired liveliness to possibly even consider exercise!
Overall, the benefits are numerous in choosing to eat breakfast—improved mental focus, more energy, weight loss and much more that we continue to unlock. And, quite honestly, it’s not all that difficult to start having breakfast. Something to consider when eating breakfast is to choose carbohydrate-packed food. Fruits and whole grains are always excellent choices. Grab a granola bar and a banana or some grapes—they are quick and there are no worries about any mess.
We should always be respecting our bodies; not abusing them. God calls for us to take care of our bodies. By eating breakfast, we are increasing our productivity, our happiness and our energy. The result is an improvement in mental and physical wellness, which leads to a more focused and effective life. By starting our days out energized, we are better equipped to tackle anything presented to us. Our bodies are referred to as temples for a reason. Showing an initiative with eating a wholesome breakfast is a great way to show God we are grateful for the wonderfully intricate bodies He intended us to have.