No matter what your theological perspective is when it comes to the timeframe and method of creation, it’s hard not to feel a sense of universal awe when experiencing the vastness of outer space. Here’s a collection of six interactive images and videos that will not only blow your mind—they’ll also underscore an appreciation for our place in God’s creation.
The Interactive Version of the Largest Picture Ever Taken
Image: View and zoom in on the image.
In 2021, NASA released this 1.5 billion pixel image, made of 411 individual photos taken from the Hubble Space telescope—the largest picture ever created. The image is so big, if you wanted to see all 4.3 GBs, you’d need 600 HD monitors. Thankfully, this browser-based tool lets you zoom in and easily view the entire image in all of its breathtaking detail. Once you get done with that, you can check out this video that gives a custom tour of the whole thing:
An Interactive To-Scale Pixel Image of the Solar System
Image: Scroll through the entire galaxy “if the moon were only one pixel.”
As interactive media designer Josh Worth explains, “pixels [aren’t] any better at representing scale than golf balls, but they’re our main way of interpreting most information these days, so why not the solar system?” He’s mapped out the entire solar system at the scale of individual pixels to help you appreciate just how vast our own little corner of the galaxy is.
A Quick Video Tour of Our Place in the Universe
This video from BuzzFeed titled “209 Seconds That Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence” lives up to the name. If you aren’t left with some sort of sense of awe after looking that almost unfathomable size of our universe, then you should probably watch it again.
This Interactive Scaling Model of the Entire Universe
Image: Zoom out to the far-ends of space from a single molecule.
If you thought a pixel tour of the solar system was fun, wait until you zoom in and out of a scalable, image-based model of the entire universe. Zoom out from single molecules all the way to the ends of space, and have your mind blown.
10,000 Galaxies in One Image
This colorful image from the Hubble Space Telescope actually shows 10,000 individual galaxies. Considering each individual galaxy is home to billions of individual stars, many with planets of their own, you’re looking at a lot of stuff in this one image.
Mystic Mountain
Image: Here’s a zoom-able version of the image with several size options.
This classic image of the three-light-year-tall formation in the Carina Nebula looks so colorful and beautiful that it almost doesn’t seem real.
This colorful image from the Hubble Space Telescope actually shows 10,000 individual galaxies. Considering each single galaxy is home to billions of individual stars, each with planets of their own, you’re looking at a lot of stuff in this one image.