Survivalist and TV star Bear Grylls recently wrote what he called “the most difficult” and “most important” column that he’s penned for the UK’s GQ, where he is a regular contributor. And no, It’s not about how to survive in an isolated forest by foraging for slugs. It’s about marriage.
The entire column is worth reading and full of practical advice (like going to counseling, making date nights a priority, communicating well), but he also says that balancing priorities as both a parent and a partner is essential. Especially, not putting our kids before our spouses:
We must prioritize our partners above everything else: even our kids. Couples often think that the kids should always come first, but smart couples know that the best foundation for the family is their relationship. In protecting that, they can then best love their children.
Even though he’s recognized for wild TV exploits, Grylls is also known for being a down to earth guy, who is vocal about this faith. Back in 2010, he explained his own philosophy of Christianity with RELEVANT,
I remember having one moment when some really good friends turned their back on me in a really nasty way. And I remember praying a simple prayer up a tree one evening and saying, ‘God, if you’re like I knew you as a kid, would you be that friend again?’ And it was no more complicated than that. And actually the amazing thing is that all God asks is that we sort of open the door and He’ll do the rest. So often we kinda hide behind our yearning for love and acceptance with loads of complicated theological questions, and actually once that’s stripped away what we really are is just somebody who wants to have that relationship with your Father.