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Majority of Gen Z Gets Their Financial Advice From ‘FinTok’

Majority of Gen Z Gets Their Financial Advice From ‘FinTok’

Sorry Dave Ramsey, but these days Gen Z is getting their financial advice from TikTok.

A new survey by Talker Research for Chime shows that the average American picked up 42 pieces of financial advice from TikTok in 2024, with Gen Z absorbing 49 tidbits —more than millennials (44) or baby boomers (32).

While many still turn to family and friends for financial advice from time to time, 50% of Gen Z says that TikTok is their No. 1 stop for financial advice. Of those who regularly use it, 65% say they feel more financially secure, and 68% reported that the advice has helped improve their financial situations.

Mostly, Gen Z turned to creators on the app for expertise on side hustles (38%), paying off debt (25%), passive income strategies (25%) and crypto investing (20%). These trends may only stick for four weeks on average, but 44% say they’re successful.

“It’s clear that while trust levels are still growing when it comes to FinTok, many are embracing and integrating it into their everyday lives,” says Janelle Sallenave, Chief Spending Officer at Chime.

Budgeting (25%), investing (24%) and credit scores (22%) are the most-searched topics, and TikTok’s bite-sized, engaging content makes these subjects easier to grasp for younger audiences.

However, while 53% said they plan to use TikTok more in 2025 to get advice on not only finance but other life topics, the U.S. government might throw a wrench in that plan. If a new law banning TikTok isn’t stopped by the Supreme Court by Jan. 19, FinTok users may have to turn elsewhere for financial advice.

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