With the country’s couples facing a 40 percent divorce rate, Norway’s new Minister for Children, Equality and Social Inclusion had an idea. After seeing the 2010 Steve Carell/Tina Fey rom-com Date Night, she is now using her platform to actively encourage couples to go on regular dates. Solveig Horne told The Guardian, “I saw the movie Date Night where an American couple try to go out to keep their relationship alive … Date night isn’t really something that’s done in Norway, but I think it could be a good way to keep marriages together.” And, according to research, the idea is backed up by real data: The National Marriage Project found that couples who continue dating throughout marriage are 3.5 times more likely to stay “very happy” in the relationship, and a New York Times report based on research from a social psychologist found that experiences, like regular date nights, release happy-causing chemicals in the brain. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and book a night out on the town with your significant other …