A couple of weeks ago, we used
our question of the day to ask you what your New Year’s plans were—and
to tell us why they were going to be awesome. And if you didn’t see the
question or want to chime in, please comment below! Here are some of
from Pittsburgh, and a few of my friends and I are traveling to New
York City for New Year’s Eve. For us, New York City represents so much,
and of course there are the metaphors for what the city represents. But
think of it, thousands and thousands and thousands of people jammed
into Times Square to watch the ball drop. And I’ll be one of them,
celebrating the turn of a New Year and new decade.
Christy Wong
am ringing in the New Year with over 20,000 others at the Urbana 09
conference in St. Louis! It’s an amazing experience to be able to take
part in communion with such a large portion of the body of Christ from
all over the country and world and then have the first thing you do in
the new year be singing praises and worship songs to our awesome God.
It’s like a small taste of what Heaven will be like!
New Year’s Eve concert is the way to go. Last year I went to NYC for My
Morning Jacket’s New Years Eve show at MSG, and this year I am going to
Chicago to see the Black Keys at the Riviera Theatre. I am hoping we
get some hip hop cameos like Mos Def at the show considering the
Blakroc project, the Key’s new hip-hop collaboration. New Year’s shows
tend to be extra-long and full of surprises, and New Year’s shows
usually draw the best crowds. And it’s always great to be in a big city
for New Years. The atmosphere is hard to beat.
going to Urbana, too! Three years ago I went as a student and it
changed my life. Now I’m going back but it’s part of my job in
missions. It’s going to be an awesome party New Year’s Eve—I can’t wait
to see what God’s going to do at Urbana. It’s definitely going to be a
place to witness God’s glory.
Elyse Durham
going to New Year’s Fest in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Each year, all the
churches, theaters and civic buildings downtown open their doors to the
public, and you can catch a different musician or ensemble in each one.
The variety of acts is incredible: in one night, you can catch
everything from a swing band to a string quartet to a magic show to a
10-minute version of "A Christmas Carol." My personal favorite is the 50-tuba ensemble playing "Auld Lang Syne"
in the town square. The festival is family-friendly, which means
there’s no booze, and it’s only five bucks to get in. And at midnight,
there are fireworks.
will be rockin in the new year with the following amazing bands:
Native/ Reptilian/ Cloud Mouth/ Robot Cuisine/ Torchlight Red/
epicycle/ La Dispute/ Parrhesia/ &
Shy Guy Says, at the Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center in St. Louis, MO. If
your ears have yet to partake of the poetic lyricism that is La
Dispute, you are truly missing out! They will probably end up being the
next Underoath … but don’t take my word for it. If you’re looking for
something to do on New Years Eve, you live in the St. Louis area (and
you aren’t attending Urbana), come to the Lemp. The Lemp Neighborhood
Arts Center is not a bar or a coffee house. They only serve art,
non-commercial music, quality acoustics, and an intimate setting…the
4 ingredients necessary for an indie lovers rockin good New Years Eve
celebration. True story.
I’ll be ringing in the new year early at our city’s children’s museum. Each year they host a "Make Believe Midnight"
complete with a ball drop at 8:00 pm. This gets kids to bed on time and
allows parents to go out later if they so desire. Plus, our son will be
playing the role of Baby New Year.
Mt. Rushmore … There is nothing like those 4 guys staring at you in the face to welcome in a brand new year.
be banging pots and pans in the frontyard. It’s the best way to
celebrate new year’s day, because it’s the only night of the year that
you can bang pots and pans in the front yard at midnight and not upset
all the neighbors.
live south of San Antonio across the street from a trailer park. When
the clock strikes 12 it’s like shock and awe, fireworks across the
horizon. Everyone in the park must buy about $1000 worth of fireworks
just to make my New Year’s enjoyable.